This is Doko’sarticle or ‘discourse’ on Mindfulness - what it is, what it allows and an exploration of its helpful friends, particularly Alertness and Ardency.
In this article Doko talks about the importance of reducing agitation in the mind when it comes to the Ayurvedic process of cleansing the body of toxins and excess doshas - the two must go hand in hand and there is a simple, skillful way to approach this.
Feeling At Home In Our Own Skin
In this article Doko talks about true relaxation, feeling into wholeness and the necessary qualities to cultivate to begin to feel at home in our own skin.
In this article Doko talks about our need notice the way we are approaching ‘our problems’ - and that a mind without peace is our main obstacle to health and happiness.
In this article Doko explains how developing a happy and healthy relationship with life, each other, and our own bodies and minds, dwells entirely in developing our capacity to be kind.
In this article Doko explores the nature of real happiness and joy...and the essential role they play in our health
In this article Doko explores the relationship between fear, anxiety and Ojas... and what to do when you feel anxious.
In this article Doko talks about the need to esteem the little things in life that nuture us.
In this article Doko reminds us of the need to slow down and the how this simple act can change our lives.
In this article Doko points out our tendency to search for problems and the solutions to those problems and gently highlights another way... finding beauty.
In this article Doko reminds us of the unbreakable parts within us and how to get in touch with them.
In this article Doko discusses the lovely friends within us - the seeds or qualities of mind that are most helpful to us...
In this article Doko reminds us of the simple things we need to return to in order to cultivate a grateful garden in our minds.
In this article Doko explores Naikon therapy and how powerful it can be for cultivating gratefulness.
In this article Doko gives the key to self-love... a simple prayer.
Mindfulness Articles