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By Justine Buckley

Like attracts like. With so much heat around, the accumulation of the fire element is not just happening in the body, it is also happening in the mind. So how can we accumulate some coolness instead? So it will be there when we need it?

Too much fire equals aggressiveness and sharpness. And you know how that manifests; an overly critical mind, a sharp perfectionistic mind, a sharp angry tongue, sharp sarcastic humour, sharp divisive words, we get cranky easily, and, of course, we easily turn all of this upon ourselves as well...

Often as we heat up we think the answer is to aggressively force the body and mind to power on. All the while heat builds upon heat. Once heated, away we go into things we wish we hadn't said and decisions we later think (when we cool down) were a little off-centre and rushed. Basically with all this heat around we can get a bit intense and cause a lot of damage.

So....chill out. Decrease hot, sharp, intense feelings and forces from accumulating in the mind. Seek coolness. Slow down. Be gentle and soft with whatever you are doing. Especially now is the time to cultivate patience and a daily cooling meditation. Deep slow breathing, give Tai Chi a go, Qi Gong, cooling Yoga poses (look some up)....

Enjoy the sound of rain when it's around. If not buy a C.D. ('Rain

melody' by Amar Nath is a beautiful one. It is available online) and soft slow Indian and Western Classical music. Go to the deep blue ocean and the cool green forest to silently walk. If not for real, then at least in your mind...


Justine  x




In the Heat of the Moment