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Martin Pain

Ayurvedic Consultations

Ayurvedic Consultations with Martin

Bring your body and mind back into balance

Profoundly simple yet powerful daily routines and dietary advice have a remarkably transformative affect on the body and the mind. From this place healing can truly take place. Ayurveda shows us the way with determination, love and compassion as a means to discover our true nature.

As part of your consultation we will identify current imbalances and conditions you would most like resolved and develop a unique plan using daily routines, diet and supportive herbal formulations to help naturally bring the body and mind back into balance. These tools are designed to be incorporated into your daily life so that you can ultimately heal yourself. You will be totally supported on this path.

Initial Consultations 75min - $110 / $90 concession (or kids)

Follow-up Consultations 30min - $50 / $45 concession

Martin Pain

Ayurvedic Practitioner

To book in with Martin, please call him directly on 0413 865 368 or:

Mudita clinic room

NOTE: Kester is no longer accepting bookings as he is stepping back from Consulting in a couple of weeks time to pursue his new career as a Garden Designer!

He highly recommends seeing Martin instead.